Title: The Story of ZaGenre: Rock© 2005, Baraiza music CD: $10.00
The brand new release from Ben Araiza, "The Story Of Za" is a genre defying record. Excellent songs, pristine production, insanely talented players, & beautiful packaging. Blending elements of rock with with hip hop and pop, it is the songs on this CD that are it's "meat and potatoes." . From start to finish, every song is a potential hit. Strong hooks and dynamic verses. From powerful guitars to beautiful female vocal harmonies, this album has everything.
10 OUT OF 10.
Title: Mighty Field Of VisionGenre: Americana© 2001, Howler (ASCAP) CD: $14.99 $2 S&H, Tape: $10.99 $2 S&H
CD Tape
A totally unique southern writer with a heavy blues sound. Somewhere between the Allman Bros, The Eagles and The Boss. The entire album just pulls you along.
IDN To Challenge Majors IDNMusic is embarking on a worldwide mission to create the largest promotional system in the world. How would you like to not only be a part of breaking hit records, but also be able to make a profit doing it? If you are willing to download an IDN poster once a month and put some up in your city, we'll pay you for it with royalties from the CD!! You'll also have the chance to get YOUR OWN CD promoted internationally. Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we put details up on the site.
Indies Band Together to Benefit Musicians The Mighty Field Of Vision has released "The Mighty Field Of Vision Anthem" by Stephen Foster (Howler). The MFoV is dedicated to helping provide economic stability for indie musicians. For further information on the project go to The Mighty Field Of Vision/Howler site.
MPEG Catalog!! You can list your MPEGs on our site just like you do your MP3s. Promote your band with your homemade videos. Just list them in the MP3 section, but note clearly that it is an MPEG movie. We'll run a "Video Of The Year" competition.